IPA: vˈɑrnɪʃɝ
- (UK, slang, obsolete) A coiner of counterfeit money.
Examples of "varnisher" in Sentences
- Thou varnisher of fools, and cheat of all the wise!
- It's no crime to work hard she's a varnisher; he's a captain now.
- 'That, I would say,' observed the fair varnisher, 'Makes the greatest difference.
- Poor Little Dorrit, with a rather forlorn glance at that eminent varnisher, promised to try.
- Mr Tinkler, unused to receive such short orders in connection with the fair varnisher, paused.
- In the end, though, she had kept on hitching-subsequently thinking of the varnisher only in times of stress, frustration and self-doubt.
- Pillars; and so about our business again, and particularly to Lilly's, the varnisher about my prints, whereof some of them are pasted upon the boards, and to my full content.
- Of that part behind the curtain, which has not yet been destined to glow beneath the brush of the varnisher or vibrate to the hammer of the carpenter, little is thought by the public, and little need be said by the Committee.