
IPA: vˈɛriɪŋ


  • (computer graphics) A kind of variable, used by a fragment shader, that interpolates values across a primitive, so as to produce gradient effects etc.

Examples of "varying" in Sentences

  • Hundreds of presentations in varying length are available to you from your laptop or smartphone.
  • In the Pacific Ocean and parts of the Red Sea, bubble coral can be found in varying species, colors and forms.
  • Honduras on the Pacific side are sentenced for a term varying in length according to their luck, which is generally bad.
  • I have, for example, read “Jane Eyre” at least fifteen times, first at the age of twelve, and in varying intervals for the past twenty-five years since then.
  • At any given time, we're in varying stages of life; just entering military spousedom, no deployment on the horizon, pre-deployment, deployment, post-deployment, approaching service separation, etc.
  • In any weather cycle, we have extremes, varying from the very hot to the very cold, and as one meteorologist made clear yesterday, the snow we have had this week was, 30 years ago, a once in every five years event.
  • * A person convicted of converting a Christian to Islamism is sentenced, according to the criminal code (§184), to the loss of all civil rights, and to imprisonment with hard labour for a term varying from eight to ten years.
  • Among these tribes the creation and control of the world and the things thereof are ascribed to "wa-kan-da" (the term varying somewhat from tribe to tribe), just as among the Algonquian tribes omnipotence was assigned to "ma-ni-do" ( "Manito the Mighty" of
  • They should be allowed the benefit of a doubt, and peccadilloes should be ignored; but when no doubt exists that a man was engrainedly mean and cowardly, his reputation must remain in the Purgatory of Time for a term varying from, say, a hundred to two thousand years.

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