
IPA: vɑz


  • (anatomy) A vessel or duct transporting any bodily fluid, such as blood, lymph, chyle, or semen.
  • (colloquial, specifically) The vas deferens.

Examples of "vas" in Sentences

  • "My name vas Solomon Rosenbum, vid the accent on der bum.
  • Tu vas recommencer a chasser les papillons dans peu de temps.
  • Bon alors next time in France tu vas va speaker fluently in french, yes??
  • The semen passes through a tube called the vas deferens and out of the penis.
  • "vas" than if it affects the manner of copulation in respect of other circumstances.
  • Si vas a demostrar tu hartazgo tienes también que mostrar compromiso como ciudadano.
  • Despite a professional doctor cutting into my testicles and severing the "vas" tubes (Google it), I am still quite capable of reproduction.
  • This should be a prime consideration if your partner is missing the part of his reproductive system known as the vas deferens, which can occur as a result of the CF gene.
  • Déjenme decirles a todos esos autobuseros, que según entiendo, esa es una de las intenciones, no vas a hacer una inversión millonaria en un tren para que la gente siga usando buses, no para nada, ni que fuéramos idiotas.
  • Given enduring evangelical antagonism towards Mitt Romney and Gingrich's serious problems with God-fearing women voters, this final debate, which recognizes the influence of both Santorum and Paul, could make a vas deferens in who wins the candidacy.

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