
IPA: vˈeɪzoʊkʌnstrˈɪktɝ


  • (pharmacology) Any substance that causes vasoconstriction.

Examples of "vasoconstrictor" in Sentences

  • The new ingredient is called Phenyleprine, which is a vasoconstrictor.
  • Its all about caffeine being a vasoconstrictor and everything starting to open up when the caffeine gets low.
  • The ingredient in the drops, tetrahydrozaline hydrochloride, is a vasoconstrictor, so it might reduce skin redness too.
  • Cigarettes are a vasoconstrictor, raise blood pressure and stress the adrenals whose job it is to regulate the blood pressure.
  • Tobacco also acts as a vasoconstrictor, (constrictor of blood vessels), reducing blood flow to an area, and temporarily raising blood pressure.
  • If you read the link, you go on to discover that Ipomoea varieties contain a lot of ergotamine, which is a vasoconstrictor and uterine stimulator, and should be approached with caution.
  • As the caffeine that the body is so used to wears out of the system, since caffeine is usually a vasoconstrictor -- it narrows the blood vessels -- without that, the blood vessels dilate and it causes a headache.
  • L-amphetamine has some pressor/sympathomimetic effects which pseudoephedrine/phenylephrine/ephedrine all have, this vasoconstrictor type effect is responsible for the relief of rhinitis but virtually no psychoactive effects; D-amphetamine has both in spades.

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