IPA: vˈæsʌprɛsɪn
- (biochemistry) An antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
Examples of "vasopressin" in Sentences
- By altering a single gene that affects a brain chemical called vasopressin, researchers at Emory University in Atlanta turned philandering mice into devoted mates.
- By targeting receptors of a hormone called vasopressin, it is hoped that the investigational drug will prove effective in controlling the abnormal contractions that cause painful periods.
- Even after steroids were discontinued, their anterior hypothalamus, known to regulate aggression, continued to pump out more of a neurotransmitter called vasopressin, which induces aggression.
- This same gene has also been linked in a different study to dictatorial behavior, and the hormone, called vasopressin, made by this gene has been found to be plentiful in voles that mate for life.
- When the body loses fluid through sweat, the brain stimulates a hormone called vasopressin, which causes the kidneys to reabsorb pure water from one's urine, thus, naturally balancing the blood to normal levels.
- They looked for changes in two hormones known to be involved in nurturing and social behaviors: oxytocin, often nicknamed the "cuddle hormone," which is important in maternal bonding, and vasopressin, which is thought to be important in social behaviors in males.