
IPA: vˈætɪk


  • Pertaining to a prophet; prophetic, oracular.

Examples of "vatic" in Sentences

  • Non-vatic though I am, that looks like a good omen to me.
  • Sent down through his vatic brotherhood the Christ that was to be.
  • Rolling from the personal to the historical, the vatic to the domestic, this is not an easy play to bring off.
  • To others, he is an impene-trable, loquacious charlatan, a mystificateur pouring forth vatic, rapturous tautologies.
  • The contemporary poet has largely eschewed any claim to the “vatic,” a mantle many poets a generation or three ago aspired to.
  • Now, in her vatic vision of the world as a Jew, she wants to see women healed and changed with the restoration of the goddess in her many forms.
  • I'm very fond of the Fourth World series, and even enjoy the aspect of them that is most often mocked, Kirby's peculiar writing style, which to my ears at least has a kind of vatic poetry.
  • The springy elegance of his mind, which serves to clarify the problems of life, not to muddle them with vatic obscurities, has brought him triple glory—as a poet, a translator no one has captured Molière in English better than he and a lyricist.

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