IPA: vˈeɪɫ
- Something hung up or spread out to hide or protect the face, or hide an object from view; usually of gauze, crepe, or similar diaphanous material.
- (figurative) Anything that partially obscures a clear view.
- A cover; disguise; a mask; a pretense.
- A covering for a person or thing; as, a caul (especially over the head)
- (biology) The calyptra of mosses.
- (zoology) velum (A circular membrane round the cap of a medusa).
- (mycology) A thin layer of tissue which is attached to or covers a mushroom.
- (mycology) A membrane connecting the margin of the pileus of a mushroom with the stalk; a velum.
- An obscuration of the clearness of the tones in pronunciation.
- (figurative, parapsychology) That which separates the living and the spirit world.
- (transitive) To dress in, or decorate with, a veil.
- (transitive) To conceal as with a veil.
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