IPA: vɪnˈæɫɪti
- The fact or state of being for sale, especially with reference to bribes or corruption.
Examples of "venality" in Sentences
- It made sense to him, he grasped the kind of venality in play here.
- Sorry Mark, but the only other choice was "venality" which I had no evidence for.
- One grieves for the good, decent and Honourable Members of Parliament - there are some - but far too many have been found out in venality.
- From this vantage point for the Democratic caucus to ostracize anyone connected to the Illinois Statehouse is the ultimate in venality and hubris.
- There was no such system of rotten boroughs, no such domination of a landed aristocracy, throughout the South as has been imagined, and venality, which is the disgrace of current politics, was practically unknown.
- In that sense, economists as a group probably have even less credibility than politicians, as the assumption of venality is almost automatic for an economist, whereas it is suspected of pols but the latter sometimes get the benefit of doubt, specially when they are young and handsome.
- My conclusion, then, is that he's unconcerned about "venality" not because he likes the idea of Parliament as a microcosm of the human condition in all its flawed majesty, but simply because he thinks it doesn't matter; and indeed he confirms this a little further on, which I'll address when we get to it.
- I challenge Burston to cite a single instance of my having touched on the subject of the "venality" of Israel's leaders (i.e. that they can be bought with money) in any of the hundreds of columns I have written over the past forty years, although it is a subject that Israeli columnists have had a field day with.
- "venality," had quite as much to do on the part of those who wished to perpetuate the government of disloyalty, proscription, and persecution as on the part of those who desired to "render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's," and to place the Government of Massachusetts, like that of the other New England Colonies, upon the broad foundation of equal and general franchise and religious liberty.