IPA: vɝmˈɪfjudʒ
- (medicine, dated) A drug that causes the expulsion or death of intestinal worms, such as tapeworms.
- (medicine, dated) Acting as a drug to cause expulsion or death of intestinal worms.
Examples of "vermifuge" in Sentences
- The farmers can't afford the price of vaccination or vermifuge and their animals get sick and die.
- In perfumery, however, any Fougère composition will have very little power for vermifuge purposes.
- This has tonic and astringent properties, but is mainly prescribed as a vermifuge, which is one of the names given to it.
- Mexican natural healers tout papaya seeds as remedies for menstrual, liver and spleen ailments, as well as being used as a vermifuge.
- Taking a look at Carvacrol alone it is a compound that has been cited for over 28 effects, ranging from Anthelmintic vermifuge or a compound that removes parasitic worms, to an Antiseptic.
- Grieve says it "is a good remedy for enfeebled digestion and debility," that it "will relieve melancholia and help to dispel the yellow hue of jaundice from the skin," that it acts as a diuretic, that it's a good vermifuge duh, and that it's a good "mental restorative."