IPA: vɝmˈɪɫjʌn
- A vivid red synthetic pigment made of mercury sulfide, cinnabar.
- A bright orange-red colour.
- A type of red dye worn in the parting of the hair by married Hindu women.
- The red skin of the lips or its border with the skin of the face.
- (obsolete) The kermes or cochineal insect.
- (obsolete) The cochineal dye made from this insect.
- (transitive) To color or paint vermilion.
- Having a brilliant red colour.
- Having the color of the vermilion dye.
Examples of "vermilion" in Sentences
- The vermilion sunset painted the sky in brilliant shades of orange and red
- She dabbed a bit of vermilion paint on the canvas to add a pop of color to her artwork
- The vermilion gown stood out in a sea of neutral-colored dresses at the gala
- The vermilion flowers in the garden added a vibrant touch to the landscape
- The vermilion lipstick she wore perfectly complemented her skin tone