IPA: vˈɝvʌt
- A small African monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops or Chlorocebus pygerythrus, having a long tail, a black face with white cheek tufts and a greenish-brown coat
Examples of "vervet" in Sentences
- Now, your first thought is probably, What the hell is 'vervet'?
- The vervet monkey demonstrates this kind of behaviour, rearing up to look about it for danger.
- These simulators, unlike vervet monkeys, can be placed in outdoor areas to recreate conditions in which such an attack might actually occur.
- In the last year alone, I've been knocked to the curb by a cyclist, aggressively attacked by vervet monkeys, and struck in the face with a stick by an emasculated chimpanzee.
- Or so he thought until he picked up the shaving mirror on the nightstand to inspect his mummified head and noticed the vervet tied behind him to the bedpost, trying to catch a glimpse of its own bemused reflection.
- He would see what happens to vervet monkeys every single month at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland: in a crude simulation of a nerve agent attack, the monkeys are given a massive overdose of a drug called physostigmine.
- This surprise sighting – I learn later the gazelle is a Red Duiker – is followed moments later by a family of vervet monkeys chatting high in the treetops, feasting on fruit and playing monkey games in the branches overhead.
- Zinzi December's animal is a sloth, boyfriend Benoît harbours a mongoose; other denizens of Zoo City the run down area of Johannesburg which has become a ghetto for the "animalled" have attracted scorpions, sunbirds, vervet monkeys.