IPA: vaɪʌbˈɪɫʌti
- The property of being viable; the ability to live or to succeed
Examples of "viability" in Sentences
- This supports the viability of wild animals.
- How does this support the viability of the arena
- The economic viability of the area depends on agriculture.
- PICA was critical for the viability of the Stardust mission.
- I'd welcome any thoughts as to the viability of the article.
- Viability is the ability of a fetus to survive outside the uterus.
- In addition, drought impacted the viability of the Tompiro economy.
- This is the opinion of the auditor as to the viability of the company.
- Labor management was a major determinant of the viability of the industry.
- Rockhampton Airport is essential to the viability of the tourism industry.