
IPA: vitʃˈinʌɫ


  • Of or pertaining to a neighborhood; neighboring.
  • (chemistry) Describing identical atoms or groups attached to nearby (especially adjacent) atoms in a molecule.
  • (mineralogy) Describing subordinate planes on a crystal, which are very near to the fundamental planes in angles, and sometimes take their place.

Examples of "vicinal" in Sentences

  • What is the difference between a natural and a vicinal location?
  • NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, as affected by natural or vicinal location,
  • He made a fire and began to broil them; the bride searched the vicinal woods for dried branches to feed the fire.
  • The contrasted grouping is reflected in both, the lower animals and the peoples inhabiting these respectively vicinal and remote lands.
  • The more alike the components of such a vicinal group of people, the easier, freer and more effective will be the mediating function of the central one.
  • The forms of vicinal location thus far considered presuppose a compact or continuous distribution, such as characterizes the more fertile and populous areas of the earth.
  • A people has, therefore, a twofold location, an immediate one, based upon their actual territory, and a mediate or vicinal one, growing out of its relations to the countries nearest them.
  • The stronger the vicinal location, the more dependent is the people upon the neighboring states, but the more potent the influence which it can, under certain circumstances, exert upon them.
  • Here location at the two extremities of the peninsula has involved a striking difference in ethnic infusions in the two districts, different historical careers owing to different vicinal grouping, and dissimilar geographic conditions.
  • If I were to follow my poor Joliet through all his transmigrations and metempsychoses, as I have learned them by his hints, allusions and confessions, I should show him by turns working a rope ferry, where the stupid and indolent cattle, whose business it is to draw men, were drawn by him; then letter-carrier; supernumerary and call-boy in a village theatre; road-mender on a vicinal route; then a beadle,

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