IPA: vɪktˈɔriʌs
- Being the winner in a contest, struggle, war, etc.
- Of or expressing a sense of victory or triumph.
Examples of "victorious" in Sentences
- Rays whisk away White Sox in victorious playoffs debut - USATODAY. com
- Third Error: Americans do not understand the correct role of artillery in victorious combat *.
- The Big Bang Theory emerged victorious from the first hotly contested Thursday night of the fall TV season, leading CBS to a ratings win, according to overnight Nielsen estimates.
- Now he's gone, and after an eight-year hatchet job of government, conservatives 'apparent chagrin and incredulity that the opposition would emerge victorious is nothing short of silly.
- Today, at home and abroad, religious extremists (who are to be found in every major tradition) are playing the odds, hoping to emerge victorious from a zero-sum game of their own making.
- Fox 2000 has emerged victorious from the bidding scrum over the rights to Incarceron, the latest British sci-fi/fantasy young adult novel to belatedly find itself on the New York Times bestsellers list.
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