
IPA: vidɛɫitʃˈɛt


  • Namely, to wit, that is to say (used when clarifying or naming the preceding item or topic)

Examples of "videlicet" in Sentences

  • Ann - you have something against the word videlicet, or just its abbreviation?
  • [5] Vizt is the abbreviation for the Latin word "videlicet"; it means "namely."
  • They, videlicet the two horses, seeming perfectly to understand that the rule of the place was,
  • We still see the remains of this system in abbreviations such as viz. (videlicet, i.e., “namely”) and Rx (recipe), where the “z” and the “x” represent the squiggle showing that the last letters of the word had been dropped.
  • Jack, thy wit being blinded, and full of gross vapors, by reason of the perturbations of fear (which, like anger, is a short madness, and raises in the phantasy vain spectres, — videlicet, of sharks and Spaniards), mistakes our lucidity.
  • (Survey Report 6801 summarizing Adm 68/195, 154r, found in the microfilms of the Virginia Colonial Records Project, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia.) [5] Vizt. is the abbreviation for the Latin word "videlicet"; it means "namely."
  • "But God is a just God," wrote Sir Edward Stafford, "and if with all things past, that be true that the king ( 'videlicet' Henry IV.) yesterday assured me to be true, and that both his ambassador from Venice writ to him and Monsieur de Luxembourg from Rome, that the Count Olivarez had made a great instance to the pope (Sixtus V.) a little afore his death, to permit his master to marry his daughter, no doubt God will not leave it long unpunished."

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