IPA: vjˈupɔɪnt
- The position from which something is observed or considered
- An angle, outlook or point of view.
Examples of "viewpoint" in Sentences
- In my experience her viewpoint is the norm rather than the exception.
- In these photographs, as in dreams, the viewpoint is a disembodied one.
- My own viewpoint is that anything symbolic gains its meaning from its context.
- I am sure Mr. Kimber would agree with me that this viewpoint is a complete fallacy.
- Sadly, some anonymous idiots take that second post opportunity to once again demonstrate that their viewpoint is the only one they will consider, going on the attack once again.
- It's not that we don't respect their opinion, as we should, but that their viewpoint is a dime a dozen and THERE IS NOTHING "creative" or "unique" about making a film right now dealing with current issues.
- I have no idea whether other people with high-functioning autism see the world this way; the viewpoint is the young author's own, and I found the book, published for the young adult market, consistently funny and heart-rending.