
IPA: vˈɪɫɪfaɪ


  • (transitive) To say defamatory things about someone or something; to speak ill of.
  • (transitive) To belittle through speech; to put down.

Examples of "vilify" in Sentences

  • If Steyn uses those true facts to "vilify" someone -- say, radical Muslim terrrorists -- he's still guilty of a human rights crime.
  • However, hardly anyone has seriously attempted to "vilify" them since the fact of the matter is simple: one lost and the other is losing.
  • Ellison responded by airing his broad concern over radicalization, before arguing that King's choice to aggressively target only Muslims would "vilify" the community.
  • Obama Is In So sharp was his critique of insurers that one attendee who identified himself as an industry executive asked him why he chose to "vilify" a business that has contributed ideas to the debate.
  • A spokesman for Mel Gibson's ex-girlfriend has lashed out at the actor's legal team - accusing his lawyers of creating false rumours about the Russian singer in order to "vilify" her during the pair's custody battle.
  • *Shirley Payne, assistant vice president for information security, policy and records, removed unconstitutional language from a policy prohibiting Internet messages that "vilify" others and mailing list messages that are "inappropriate."
  • And I add, had you joined herewith, such as vilify and trample upon the blood of the Lord Jesus, preferring the snivel of their own brains before him, you had herein but drawn your own picture, and given your reader an emblem of yourself.
  • I'm somewhat confused -- you seem to be saying that speaking out on behalf of the oppressed doesn't justify hate speech, yet you won't "vilify" Dworkin is it "vilification" to describe her as the hate-speech purveyor she was? because she spoke out for the oppressed.

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