IPA: vˈɪm
- Ready vitality and vigour.
Examples of "vim" in Sentences
- Plugin will be installed to vim runtime path:/home/mattn/.vim
- "Ah! dat is vat you call a vim in your _pays_, -- the vim of Colonel
- And I still can't do "set filetype = doctest" in vim, which is hardly a new tool.
- I actually map capslock to ctrl, you can hit escape in vim easily enough with C - [agscala whofysh
- You might like this vim plugin then - drop it into ~/.vim/plugin/and restart vim, then try saving some invalid PHP code ...
- The number keys print pqrstuvwxy instead of 0123456789; numlock calls vim help; / toggles mode; * prints; - prints; + prints l;
- He looked in mute surprise, and everybody else looked; and a polite German count, gazing through his eye-glass, said, "Ah! dat is vat you call a vim in your
- The vim is on display in one of the show's opening numbers, in which Olivia DiPesto, a blue fuzzy creature operated by Mr. Rabinowitz, dispatches the Pop Ups to Bay Ridge to buy the best tomatoes in Brooklyn.