IPA: vˈɪntɪdʒɝ
- One who gathers the vintage, i.e. a grape harvester.
Examples of "vintager" in Sentences
- VINDEMIATRIX, ε _Virginis_, "the vintager or grape gatherer."
- Which most they love; the fretful wasp, that earliest vintager
- _ Epithet of Bacchus, "vintager;" here name of a person in the comedy of "Peace."
- In the olive season he helped in the gathering; in grape season he offered himself as vintager.
- The sun, treading the earth like a vintager, drew from it heady fragrances, crushed out of it new colours.
- Observe with what indifference the people swallow the production of the distant vintager, the seaman and the vintner, as if it were a thing of course.
- No, indeed my attempt at writing did not come off at all to-day; the composition of a hunter or a vintager, whose shouts are echoing through my chamber, hateful and wearisome as the law-courts.
- Not so does the thrush pine when the olives are plucked, not so does the hare pine when the vintager has gathered the last grapes, as I, Lycidas, droop while I roam apart from my mistress Phyllis.
- Thus speakest thou to thyself; and therefore, O my soul, wilt thou rather smile than pour forth thy grief — — Than in gushing tears pour forth all thy grief concerning thy fulness, and concerning the craving of the vine for the vintager and vintage – knife!
- The brewer's cares are many, and of longer duration: he is the vintager of our northern climates: his porter or ale should be an agreeable malt wine, suited to the palate of the district or neighbourhood he lives in, or, ultimately, to the taste of his customers.