IPA: vˈaɪʌɫ
- (music) A stringed instrument related to the violin family, but held in the lap between the legs like a cello, usually with C-holes, a flat back, a fretted neck and six strings, played with an underhanded bow hold
- (nautical) A large rope used to manipulate the anchor
- To play the viol.
Examples of "viol" in Sentences
- The viol player softly plucked the strings, filling the room with soothing melodies
- The sounds of the viol echoed through the halls of the ancient castle, creating a mysterious atmosphere
- She studied the intricate design of the viol, admiring the craftsmanship of the instrument
- The viol concert was a true delight, showcasing the talents of the musicians on stage
- As the violist played with passion, the audience was captivated by the beauty of the music