IPA: vˈɪskaʊnt
- A member of the peerage, above a baron but below a count or earl.
- (entomology) Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Tanaecia. Other butterflies in this genus are called earls and counts.
- The title of a viscount.
- A village in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Examples of "viscount" in Sentences
- The viscount is the one whose jewels you just stole.
- Thus the word viscount was in Latin vice-comes, in itself a terrible admission.
- 'The viscount is not supposed to have been unrivalled in the young lady's favour.
- Before we pull the rug out from under the Covingtons, Arthur especially, Terence needs to decide if he really wants the designation of viscount.
- The wife of a marquess is a marchioness, the wife of an earl is a countess earl is the British equivalent of count, the wife of a viscount is a viscountess, the wife of a baron is a baroness.
- But I held firm, and in the end I got a couple of old duchesses and something called a viscount (you don't pronounce the s, which I learned by putting my foot in my mouth) behind the one-way mirror.