IPA: vˈɪskaʊntʌs
- The wife of a viscount.
- A woman holding the rank of viscount in her own right.
Examples of "viscountess" in Sentences
- "The viscountess is the admiral's great-niece," replied Camille.
- “The viscountess is the admiral’s great-niece,” replied Camille.
- As a viscountess, she is permitted to keep waiting gentlewomen of her own.
- The new viscountess was an insatiable woman who, over the next seven years, dragged her husband through countless public scenes and humiliations, and eventually, total financial ruin.
- There was no physical resemblance between this young man, who he reckoned must be in his very early twenties, and the viscountess, but that was hardly surprising since her title would have derived from her late husband.