
IPA: wˈeɪnskɔtɪŋ


  • Wooden (especially oaken) panelling on the lower part of a room’s walls.

Examples of "wainscotting" in Sentences

  • If wainscotting is a thing I can have in my apartment.
  • I suppose they could have them ... so ... there's a window tinting business in my wainscotting?
  • The original woodwork -- including dining-room wainscotting, along with hardwood floor and moldings -- has been maintained.
  • He is the Germanicus of this blog; mythical, as Un-bama like as a person gets, plus he can deliver a lecture about wainscotting that will make you swoon!
  • As building methods improved, this was reduced to wainscotting below and a picture rail above, which would originally have been the top edge of the panelling.
  • She had always liked Fontainebleau because the Swiss Hall looked just like an old German hall with its bay windows, the wainscotting, and heavy carved benches.
  • There is not a panel in the old wainscotting, but what, if it were endowed with the powers of speech and memory, could start from the wall, and tell its tale of horror — the romance of life, Sir, the romance of life!
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009 for arts sake worth hearing • very rarely does news make me cry, it usually makes me angry; the kind of angry that causes me to shatter dishes against the wainscotting, but not usually weep over the general state of affairs.
  • Dark plain wainscotting, heavy furniture of simplest fashion, little windows well curtained; – all nothing to speak of; – all joined inexplicably to produce the impression of order, stability and repose, which seized upon Eleanor almost before she had time to observe details.

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