waiting list

IPA: wˈeɪtɪŋɫˈɪst


  • An ordered list of people waiting to obtain a good or service.

Examples of "waiting-list" in Sentences

  • Seven other states are accepting waiting-list applications.
  • For a long time, the whole program has been oriented toward waiting-list time.
  • California is accepting waiting-list applications for rebates on heating and cooling systems and water heaters.
  • The organ goes to the next person on the national transplant waiting-list, the way all organs from anonymous donors do.
  • Zero Zero in San Francisco's South of Market district hopes its wood-fired pizzas become as popular with lunchers as they are with its waiting-list dinner crowds.
  • Probably because when I became chief executive at Christie, almost five years ago, the organisation had some issues with waiting-list targets, morale and an unclear strategy.
  • • Rhode Islanders quickly exhausted $442,000 in supplemental funding that was added to their program in mid-July, and the program is also accepting waiting-list applications.
  • Refusal rates are "a huge problem", said Heaton, and accessing more kidneys would save the NHS "huge amounts of money" as each patient on kidney dialysis – as 85% of those on the transplant waiting-list are – costs the service about £25,000 a year.

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