
IPA: wˈeɪkʌn


  • (transitive) To wake or rouse from sleep.
  • (intransitive) To awaken; to cease to sleep; to be awakened; to stir.

Examples of "waken" in Sentences

  • Beau doesn't just waken her physical desires; he also awakens her desire to sing the blues.
  • She hopes to waken the black dragon and merge with it, like Momoka has merged with a dragon.
  • Words have great benefit when they are used to shake and waken ourselves, but they can also lead us off track.
  • So, the past nine years the war with Muslims has achieved nothing for the U.S., except for it has waken up the Muslims for Islam.
  • Some day I shall waken from a supposed hour's lingering here and find myself an old man with white hair and ragged coat, as in that fairy tale we read the other night.
  • Because at night he could put them on deck and sleep without watching guard, so that if "savages" stole onto his decks at night, their shouts of pain when they stepped on the tacks would waken him.
  • Thus a South Slavonian housebreaker sometimes begins operations by throwing a dead man’s bone over the house, saying, with pungent sarcasm, “As this bone may waken, so may these people waken”; after that not a soul in the house can keep his or her eyes open.
  • We must waken, Muske-Dukes admonishes, to our need to empathize, to overcome our great human tendency to forget, to distance, to protect ourselves from the conditions of others, to things happening elsewhere, something that is perhaps most dangerously possible in language.

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