walk about

IPA: wˈɔkʌbˈaʊt


  • walk with no particular goal


IPA: wˈɔkʌbˈaʊt


  • (Australian aboriginal) A nomadic excursion into the bush, especially one taken by young teenage boys in certain ancient-custom honoring tribes.
  • A walking trip.
  • (Britain) A public stroll by some celebrity to meet a group of people informally.
  • An absence, usually from a regular place with a possibility of a return.

Examples of "walkabout" in Sentences

  • Stab vest for constituency walkabout.
  • She later continued her walkabout with a police escort.
  • She later continued her walkabout with police protection.
  • These colors are shown on both the walkabout and portrait.
  • Kind of a 'walkabout' or as the locals say ... irme a pueblear.
  • Kind of a 'walkabout' or as the Chilangos say ... "ir puebleando".
  • At 14 he participated in a walkabout to a feast in the Bunya Mountains.
  • If you get there walkabout and Greenough river, anything that flowering.
  • Locke is then shown in Australia talking to one of the leaders of a walkabout.
  • Locke is then shown in Australia talking to one of the leaders of the walkabout.
  • I have been trying to make my mind up if this shambles over the two data discs which have gone walkabout is a sea-change moment or not.
  • There was no walkabout, which is a great pity, I think, given the reception they got when they arrived, an even bigger reception when they came out as man and wife.
  • We as society slowly move closer to the axiom “that the land has always been ours,” aiming to provide an united and monolithic view of a historical walkabout from the Paleolithic to Tito, even though some of the episodes are not quite “safe” and lead to the above mentioned failures of reason.

Examples of "walk-about" in Sentences

  • On a walk-about, we came to a stand of hawthorn trees.
  • But after testing them, I liked the Sony NEX-5N enough to contemplate making it my new walk-about camera.
  • Two nights ago one my Inspectors (Patrol Officer) pulled into a high crime housing estate to do a quick walk-about with the site Bobby (guard).
  • The walk-about was a perfect opportunity to display the many talented Canadian designers whom we so proudly adore: D Squared, Lucian Matis, Marie Saint Pierre, Lida Baday, etc.
  • This walk-about tasting offers the chance to taste riesling from more than 40 New York wineries paired with local cuisine and includes a special tasting of older-vintage rieslings.
  • It is true that fever and dysentery are perpetually on the walk-about, that loathsome skin diseases abound, that the air is saturated with a poison that bites into every pore, cut, or abrasion and plants malignant ulcers, and that many strong men who escape dying there return as wrecks to their own countries.

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