IPA: wˈɔkoʊvɝ
- An easy victory; a walkaway.
- (sports) A bye or victory awarded to a competitor when a scheduled opponent fails to play a game.
- A horse race with only one entrant.
- (sports, chiefly) Someone easy to defeat.
- (colloquial) Someone who does not stand up for themselves when mistreated; a doormat.
- (gymnastics) A backbend combined with a handstand.
- A type of railroad passenger car seat, having reversible seat backs that can be moved across the seat to face either direction of travel
- An ecological survey carried out by walking across and examining a piece of land.
walk over
IPA: wˈɔkoʊvɝ
- Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: to walk over.
- (idiomatic) To gain an easy victory.
- (idiomatic, transitive) To dominate, treat (someone) as inferior.
IPA: wˈɔkoʊvɝ
- Alternative spelling of walkover [An easy victory; a walkaway.]
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