
IPA: wˈæŋgʌɫ


  • The act of wangling


  • (transitive) To obtain through deceitful or manipulative methods.
  • (transitive) To falsify, as records.
  • (intransitive) To achieve through contrivance or cajolery.

Examples of "wangle" in Sentences

  • "I should have to 'wangle' a good deal more than that," -- harshly.
  • He never did a stroke of work that he could possibly "wangle" out of.
  • The film was great, may even go to watch it again if I can wangle a leave pass.
  • She found him some clothes to wear and even managed to wangle the use of a jeep.
  • You can imagine "Mad Men's" Betty Draper taking pride in being able to wangle a basic conversation in French.
  • If you decide on Rome, try to wangle a little extra time for Florence/Firenze and surrounding towns (Assisi, Siena, etc.).
  • We are going to be married the first moment he can get leave again -- and I shall 'wangle' him into being a 'red tab' -- he has fought enough. "
  • Fraud hunters are most incensed by people who publicize fictitious exploits in the media or use them to get elected, promoted or wangle undeserved veterans 'benefits.
  • "The Sunday schools must try to 'wangle' -- that was, a project their in-to 'wangle' -- that was, to project their in-enlarged task, and attempt to do what seemed impossible."

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