
IPA: wˈɔrˈɑtʌ


  • Any of several species of plants in the genus Telopea, native to southeastern Australia.
  • A Y-shaped steel fencing post or stake.
  • A suburb of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.
  • A small town in Waratah-Wynyard council area, north-west Tasmania, Australia.

Examples of "waratah" in Sentences

  • The waratah is of a brilliant red colour, growing single and stately on a high stalk.
  • I bought one the flower called the waratah while I was there and should have bought two or three of the other designs.
  • An introduction to an Australian home -- Off to a picnic -- The wattle, the gum, the waratah -- The joys of the forest.
  • IT has been the state's floral emblem since 1962 but, with the stroke of an artist's pen, Nathan Rees has replaced the waratah with the national flower of India.
  • That is exciting enough to take attention away even from the oysters, for the waratah, the handsomest wildflower of the world, is becoming rare around the cities.
  • Carried thus over the shoulder of an eager, flushed child, the waratah suggests another idea: it represents exactly the thyrsus of the Bacchanals of ancient legends.
  • Neither Frank Sartor nor Graham Richardson reached quite these dizzy oratorical heights on the witness stand in Rooms 814-5 this week (and yes, two rooms were needed), one floor up from Parliament's waratah-ugly fountain.
  • The waratah is not at all a dainty, fragile flower, but a solid mass of bloom like the vegetable cauliflower; indeed, if you imagine a cauliflower of a vivid red colour, about the size of a pear and the shape of a heart, growing on a stalk six feet high, you will have some idea of the waratah.
  • Bessie, said that she would be back soon; standing under the portico of the Post Office, surrounded by the flower sellers with their bunches of exuberant waratah, feathery wattle and sweet, sober-looking boronia, she let her mind travel back to Lashnagar and the acrid smoke of the green-wood fires, the pungency of the fish, the sharp tang of the salt winds pushed the heavy perfume of flowers aside.

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