
IPA: wˈɔrdrɛs


  • A female warder.

Examples of "wardress" in Sentences

  • Just let the wardress see your bag and your pockets if you have any.
  • Moon, Marie as a kind of cross between a wardress and a nurse for mental cases!
  • She took the chair opposite to Wimsey, the wardress withdrew and the door was shut.
  • The old wardress – for female persons were also reformed there – lived in our attic.
  • Presently there was a noise of footsteps, and the prisoner was brought in, attended by a female wardress.
  • He needed something-a stout healthy woman who had trained as a prison wardress, perhaps-but it had become more and more difficult to find nannies for Ramses.
  • It was a comic moment when the wardress looked up with her head on one side, as any portrait painter might do, to investigate the colour of one's hair and eyes.
  • The leg was useless, but by help of the double banisters she hopped up two flights to her cell, an older wardress from the upper corridor lending her assistance.
  • Yet it was a house that lent itself to fancies and try as she would she couldn't rid herself of the feeling that Agatha with her bunch of keys was rather like a wardress in her severe dress and drawn-back hair.
  • We have the captive, jealous in honour, susceptible and exasperatingly Quixotic, doubly enchained by his word and the charms of his fair wardress; the lady's conspicuous ill-treatment of him at the first, a slight mystery, some escapes and counterplots, and on the appointed page the matrimonial finish that hardly the most pessimistic reader can ever have felt as other than assured.

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