
IPA: wˈɛrhaʊzɪŋ


  • The act of storing goods in a warehouse.

Examples of "warehousing" in Sentences

  • The term warehousing, then, is meant as a warning.
  • So the notion of warehousing cash for acquisitions isn't in our lexicon.
  • Despite the economic downturn, the Inland Empire is still in the midst of a long-term warehousing boom.
  • Seven per cent of provincial GDP comes from transportation and warehousing, which is more than in any other province.
  • For both audio and e-books, I agree with others who suggest publishers 'distribution and warehousing is minimal for intangible products.
  • Using the term warehousing, then, is not meant to name the final stage of repression but, rather, to highlight it so as to better eliminate it.
  • The so-called warehousing involved as much as €100m being moved to Irish Nationwide Building Society and is already the subject of a Garda investigation in
  • The EU should clarify how it intends to protect individuals recognised as in need of protection in order to avoid massive long-term warehousing of refugees.
  • Trade group, the National Association of Broadcasters, wrote a letter on Monday to Senate and House leading commerce committee members pointing to a report that Time Warner Cable was "warehousing" spectrum, or sitting on airwaves, that could be used for consumers.
  • And while I understand that publisher overhead still exists with digital versions, until I see proof that printing, shipping and warehousing is a small part of that overhead, their arguments don’t hold water. as long as corporations are most concerned with improving profits every 3 months for their quarterly dividends, you will never see significant change in their business models.

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