IPA: wˈɔrm
- (colloquial) The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a heating.
- (transitive) To make or keep warm.
- (intransitive) To become warm, to heat up.
- (transitive with to) (sometimes in the form warm up) To favour increasingly.
- (intransitive) To become ardent or animated.
- (transitive) To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal in; to enliven.
- (transitive) To give emotional warmth to a person.
- (transitive, colloquial) To beat or spank.
- (transitive, colloquial) To scold or abuse verbally.
- (computing, transitive) To prepopulate (a cache) so that its contents are ready for other users.
- Of a somewhat high temperature.
- Friendly and with affection.
- Having a color in the part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum between red and yellow-green.
- (informal) Close to a goal or correct answer.
- Fresh, of a scent; still able to be traced.
- (figurative) Communicating a sense of comfort, ease, or pleasantness.
- (archaic) Ardent, zealous.
- (archaic, informal) Well off as to property, or in good circumstances; prosperous.
- (archaic) Requiring arduous effort.
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