warm up

IPA: wˈɔrmˈʌp


  • (intransitive) To become warmer.
  • (transitive) To heat or reheat (e.g. food).
  • (intransitive, transitive) To reach, or cause to reach, a normal operating temperature (of a car for example).
  • (figuratively) To physically or mentally prepare oneself, something or someone for an activity.
  • (intransitive) To do gentle exercise, stretching etc., in order to prepare the body for more vigorous exercise.
  • (intransitive) To prepare for an activity by carrying out a practice or preparation routine.
  • (transitive) To make (an audience) enthusiastic or animated before a show.
  • (transitive with to) (figuratively) Synonym of warm (to favor increasingly).


IPA: wˈɔrmʌp


  • Alternative spelling of warm-up [The act of exercising or stretching in preparation for strenuous activity]


IPA: wˈɔrmʌp


  • The act of exercising or stretching in preparation for strenuous activity
  • Any act of preparation for a performance
  • A period of time allocated for performing warm-ups.

Examples of "warmup" in Sentences

    Examples of "warm-up" in Sentences

    • “Use Somebody” by Kings of Leon perfect warm-up song
    • Enjoy a free continental breakfast and a fun warm-up session.
    • With no warm-up, no nothing, I threw up in the box, got on the ice and skated to the center.
    • By the time my group got on the ice for our six-minute warm-up period, I felt sick to my stomach.
    • I got into my costume, laced up my skates, and prepared to walk out of the chute and into the warm-up.
    • So there I was, in decidedly boring white track pants and a warm-up jacket, with no one to cheer for me around the rink because of the freezing rain.
    • I took off my warm-up jacket with hundreds of pairs of eyes watching my every move and cast my glance downward to get deep into the mind-set of a demure and sensitive bird.
    • Generally, a child will be seen three times a week for exercise including general stretching and warm-up, aerobic activity (chosen by the child) and cool down/breathing exercises.
    • A natural at rugby, sculling, and of course swimming his warm-up jacket read W.O.W., for “William of Wales”, he also proved to be a standout at a sport no other member of the Royal Family had ever tried: water polo.
    • She explains that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves a warm-up period (five to ten minutes), six to ten repetitions of high-intensity cardio exercise alternating with medium-intensity cardio exercise (say, thirty seconds of sprinting, one minute of jogging, thirty seconds of sprinting, another one minute of jogging, and so on for at least six cycles), and then a cool-down period of five to ten minutes.

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