IPA: wˈɔrʌntˈi
- The beneficiary of a warranty.
Examples of "warrantee" in Sentences
- The duration of the warrantee is just one factor.
- You have a lot more flexibility if you go without the warrantee.
- In this case it might be covered under the laptop's warrantee, if any.
- My husband looked at me funny and wondered if my warrantee had expired.
- I'm considering. I'm especially interested in their warrantee and service.
- The problem is that Mitsubishi doesn't manufacture or even warrantee the FQ400.
- Many asphalt shingle manufacturers will not warrantee their product over a SIP.
- The word warrantee of course exists, but it means ` someone who receives a warranty. '
- We live in a world that would deny us even the basic rights to live, as there is no warrantee against terrorism.
- I can’t think of any other personal electronic product that has this kind of warrantee against general hardware failure.
- I pressed the guy on that last one until he explained the Dell has three authorized service companies that handle warrantee work.