
IPA: wˈɑʃt


  • wet as from washing; sometimes used in combination
  • clean by virtue of having been washed in water

Examples of "washed" in Sentences

  • If my child can be brain washed into staying in school, I welcome it.
  • Most people have been brain washed to think Obama's health bill is wrong.
  • These old people have been brain washed by the conservative special interest that want to the status quo to continue.
  • Even if you do not know anything about her – send a glowing appraisal of her so that all others will be brain washed ....
  • Martin washed woollens that day, by hand, in a large barrel, with strong soft-soap, by means of a hub from a wagon wheel, mounted on
  • This one, in washed shades of pale orange accented with pink, contrasts nicely with the vivid oranges, reds and yellows of the church.
  • I'm tired of war mongering, racist, ignorant, thieving, brain washed, Blue Dogs, fake Dems, corporate villain Republicans pretending to be Christians.
  • The rest of them, don't even deserve to have an opinion, since those brain washed people are not exactly the best source for such sort of political comments (or any sort of comments, for that matter)
  • And, midway, he dug down through the red volcanic earth that had washed from the disintegrating hill above, until he uncovered quartz, rotten quartz, that broke and crumbled in his hands and showed to be alive with free gold.
  • This increase will be of approximately -- taking into account increases and other measures of which I will speak later -- 11.57 (presumably pesos -- ed.) per quintal of low grade coffee, (? and) 13.62 per quintal of what we call washed coffee. (as heard)

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