
IPA: wˈɑʃstˈænd


  • (furniture) A table containing a basin and a pitcher of water for washing.
  • (dated) In a stable or garage, a place in the floor prepared so that carriages or automobiles may be washed there and the water run off.

Examples of "washstand" in Sentences

  • Hung on the corner of the washstand is a soiled towel.
  • The linoleum in front of the washstand is very gratifying indeed, my lord, if you will excuse my mentioning it.
  • On the floor in front of the washstand is a pitcher half full of water; also a large waste-water jar of the cheapest type.
  • Upstairs were the bedrooms; "mother-and-father's room" the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a "washstand," a
  • "But I did explain to listeners the circumstances of the interview by the corner washstand, and Orleanians could ponder the fact that the world famous Louis Armstrong couldn't get into any of the big hotels in his own hometown."
  • On the washstand was a ball of sand-soap, and I imagine that the murderer used this to cleanse his -- or her -- hands, and, while drying them, must have stood over the head of the bed and let the sand sprinkle down on to the pillow. "
  • Near the washstand was a dampened and crumpled towel, a bottle of hair oil, a simple shaving cup and brush, a rubber comb I could not help but miss my ivory comb and its silver case, a small bottle of inexpensive cologne and a little leather kit.
  • Over the washstand was a little black-framed water-colour drawing, depicting a large eye with an extremely fishlike intensity in the spark of light on the dark pupil; and in "illuminated" lettering beneath was printed very minutely, "Thou God Seest ME," followed by a long looped monogram,
  • Upstairs were the bedrooms; "mother-and-father's room" the largest; a smaller room for one or two sons, another for one or two daughters; each of these rooms containing a double bed, a "washstand," a "bureau," a wardrobe, a little table, a rocking-chair, and often a chair or two that had been slightly damaged downstairs, but not enough to justify either the expense of repair or decisive abandonment in the attic.

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