IPA: wˈɑʃi
- (childish or poetic, rare) A wash, an act of washing.
- Watery; damp; soft.
- Lacking substance or strength; weak; thin; dilute; feeble.
- (US, dialect, archaic) Not firm or hardy; liable to sweat profusely with labour.
Examples of "washy" in Sentences
- (It just doesn't seem like one of those wishy-washy things you can flip-flop on.)
- "washy" by horsemen; they are those with long bodies, long legs, and narrow, flat sides.
- But on my first draft, my protag was kind of wishy-washy, and that is not how I want her to be.
- Because Baker, his allies, and occasionally wishy-washy journalists can no longer run on the facts to criticize Gov.
- Why am I being so wishy-washy when the operational models last night in such good agreement about a changeover with the the storm?
- Perry said she truly believes Bybees statement that he stands by the memo, adding, He's not a flip-flopping, wishy-washy type of person.
- Many horses, particularly slack loined, slight, "washy" animals, purge if worked or excited, as may be observed among race horses when taken to a race course.
- What's really wishy-washy is you, conservative wife-cheating senator, who enjoys the company and services of prostitues, but comes out in public agaist their services.
- Traveller, a light chesnut, what the hunter would call a washy brute, always eating and never fat; -- the Colt, so called from his being young, certainly unequal to such a journey as that on which he was taken; -- and
- Now he's back to where he started, and they're hoping that this is going -- at least consistency is going to play better for him than being a little bit perhaps wishy-washy, which is how he looked in last week's debate.