
IPA: wˈeɪstbɪn


  • A wastebasket; a bin used for household or office waste.

Examples of "wastebin" in Sentences

  • Empty food cartons were stacked in an overflowing flip-top wastebin.
  • She took a bite of her bread and then tossed the rest into an overflowing wastebin.
  • He sat back in his chair, put his feet on top of a dark green wastebin and lit a cigarette.
  • Will he succumb to the same forces that put Medicare for All and the public option fall into the Congressional wastebin?
  • The mythical was relegated to the wastebin of kitsch and bad taste, just another of the ceramic figurines littering suburban lawns everywhere.
  • However, the price of that reassurance was that Parlabane neglected to notice the wastebin almost directly in front, and was consequently up-ended when he caught it a glancing blow at thigh-level.
  • So while artoo is usually repro'd in cheapo plastic and turned into a shampoo dispenser / wastebin / flip-top laundry basket, in this way more expensive and extremely realistic artoo you get a DVD/game projector that can display a picture up to 260 inches!
  • To focus all concern on cost overruns is a diversion from these and at least a dozen more important concerns which condemn the deep-bore tunnel to the wastebin of history and its proponents as either unwittingly incompetent or, in the case of certain highway planning directors, malevolently vindictive toward the good people of Seattle.

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