
IPA: wˈeɪstfʌɫnʌs


  • imprudent or excessive expenditure or the waste of resources

Examples of "wastefulness" in Sentences

  • And, really, why IS it that wastefulness is a sign of success in our society?
  • The real way to estimate a nations wastefulness is by looking at how much energy they use to generate $1.
  • The author at heat death of the universe in a related article titled The wastefulness of fund raising writes:
  • One of the great perpetrators of the United States’ wastefulness is urban sprawl, which leads to SOV (single occupancy vehicle) disorder.
  • Though such wastefulness is the height of fiscal irresponsibility, it is wholly in keeping with the behavior of tax-and-spend Democrats: Hey!
  • Some might say that this apparent wastefulness is indeed a blessing — that it brings about the use of more materials, more employment, prosperity.
  • That however is entirely their own business & if the French taxpayer wants to fund more satirical mimes that criticise government wastefulness, that is entirely their own business.

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