IPA: wˈɔtɝkʌɫˈʊrʌst
- An artist who paints watercolours.
Examples of "watercolourist" in Sentences
- My father was a pretty fair amateur watercolourist.
- Landscape, genre and portrait painter and watercolourist.
- Architectural and topographical painter and watercolourist.
- Topographical painter and watercolourist, and lithographer.
- Painter and watercolourist of animals, sporting subjects and genre.
- A watercolourist working in the style of Birket Foster and William Henry Hunt.
- A Manchester painter considered a Pre-Raphaelite and also a watercolourist and decorator.
- Charles is an experienced watercolourist and has been painting for most of his adult life.
- The watercolourist was a founding member of the Balls Head bush regeneration program, and had lived in the home since 1967.
- Similar in style to Birket Foster a charming watercolourist he worked also in pastels and oils and covered a very wide range of subjects.