IPA: wˈɔtɝɪnɪs
- The state of being watery.
Examples of "wateriness" in Sentences
- But the fatal defects of the poetry then produced was triviality and the "wateriness" of its style.
- That wateriness is what evokes an image of lotus and lily, what gives the scent its transluscency and what contrasts so beautifully with the darkness of incense.
- He was now thirty-six years of age, but because of his excess weight and the wateriness of his eyes, the discolouration of his teeth, and the blotchiness of his puttylike skin, he seemed older.
- I'll let Joe explain the really interesting thing:It's become conventional wisdom in the U.S. that brewers should decrease the wateriness of session beers by mashing mixing the grain and water at higher temperatures.
- The faster the brewing method, the finer the grind, and vice versa, in order to extract just the desirable "heart" of the coffee without wateriness (too coarse a grind) or bitterness (too fine a grind and/or too little coffee).