
IPA: wˈɔtɝwɝn


  • Worn or smoothed by the action of water erosion.

Examples of "waterworn" in Sentences

  • Through the bowels of the Great Alpine Reef, they spun, slipping along the smooth, waterworn sides.
  • The rounded, waterworn stones made the surface treacherous and slippery and difficult to negotiate.
  • It consisted of a yellow sandstone in thin strata, covered in some parts with beds of waterworn pebbles.
  • Other portions of woods had their ends waterworn, and were full of long cracks, such as appear in wood long exposed to the sun.
  • Amongst the waterworn pebbles in the bed of the river, we found various portions of coal and the rocky sections in parts of the banks resembled its concomitant strata.
  • The blocks are not waterworn, their angles being only a little blunted; they vary in size from one or two feet in diameter to ten, or even more than twenty times as much.
  • On these rounded off banks or bergs of forest land, Youranigh drew my attention to large, old, waterworn, trunks of trees, which he showed me had been deposited there by floods.

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