IPA: wˈɑt
- In the International System of Units, the derived unit of power; the power of a system in which one joule of energy is transferred per second. Symbol: W
- Watt, a king of Sussex.
- An Anglo-Saxon given name.
- A diminutive of the male given name Walter, of medieval usage, variant of Wat.
- An English and Scottish surname originating as a patronymic.
- A ghost town in California, United States.
Examples of "watt" in Sentences
- The lightbulb in our living room consumes 60 watts of electricity
- My phone charger outputs 5 watts of power to charge my device
- The amplifier for the concert venue has a maximum output of 500 watts
- It is important to check the wattage of appliances to prevent overloading circuits
- The solar panels on the roof generate 300 watts of clean energy