IPA: wˈeɪfɛrɝ
- A traveller, especially one on foot.
- A type of glasses, with pointed ends and rounded bottoms.
Examples of "wayfarer" in Sentences
- The last chance wayfarer had left a supply of firewood.
- The spiritual wayfarer gives herself to her inner work and outer service.
- One thing for sure, if you are a wayfarer, I will nourish you and da lady.
- The lines are exactly the same, except that 'wayfarer' is panthagū instead of addhagū.
- But the grace of the "wayfarer," being short of that of the "comprehensor," is in less measure than that of the comprehensor.
- _I answer that, _ A man is called a wayfarer from tending to beatitude, and a comprehensor from having already obtained beatitude, according to 1 Cor.
- The Old English word 'fara' was also used for travelling or journeying, from which we get words like 'wayfarer' - which doesn't have connotations of being particularly easy!
- Wearing a bowtie dress with Ray-Ban "wayfarer" sunglasses, the "A Walk to Remember" actress seemed to be a bit wobbly in her strappy heels as she made her way into the entrance with paperwork in-hand.
- But when the Prince knew that the wayfarer was her sire who was travelling to seek him, he rejoiced in the glad tidings of forgathering with the damsel and on the morning of the second day all marched off together and made for the Merchant's city.
- Now this takes place in two ways: first, by the grace of the wayfarer, which is imperfect conformity; secondly, by glory, which is perfect conformity, according to 1 John 3: 2: "We are now the sons of God, and it hath not yet appeared what we shall be: we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like to Him, because we shall see Him as He is."