IPA: wˈɛɫd
- (archaic) A forest or wood.
- (archaic) An open country.
- (Britain) The physiographic area in south-east England situated between the parallel chalk escarpments of the North and the South Downs.
Examples of "weald" in Sentences
- It came up over the weald by night with a great wind.
- Strange how you advocate that Britain should weald "a big stick" but castigate Israel for doing the same.
- The black and blue marks athwart the weald, which now barely is so stripped, indicate the presence of sylvious beltings.
- Bronca is generally regarded to be a Latin American phenomenon, yet France's debut novel suggests that the rolling weald of East Sussex harbours its fair share of bronca as well.
- He enjoyed the quiet rolling countryside of the weald; the pale, late autumn sun, the red and gold of thinning leaves on dark branches, the pools of red and gold below on the wet green turf.
- Wenger protests that his player is innocent of the charges against him, though the fact that Fábregas chooses to wear a vest will lead many to conclude that he is attempting to conceal the boiling weald of the succubus from a vigilant public.
- Alighting at the small wayside station, we drove for some miles through the remains of widespread woods, which were once part of that great forest which for so long held the Saxon invaders at bay -- the impenetrable "weald," for sixty years the bulwark of Britain.
- Soon he got up again and stared for a long time it the sinking world below, at white cliffs to the east and flattening marsh to the left, at a minute wide prospect of weald and downland, at dim towns and harbours and rivers and ribbon-like roads, at ships and ships, decks and foreshortened funnels upon the ever-widening sea, and at the great mono-rail bridge that straddled the Channel from
- In weather like this, if my husband were still with me, we would not be trapped in one place, watching a leaden dawn and a sunset of dull red; we would be traveling with the king's court, on progress through the weald and downland of Hampshire and Sussex, the richest and most beautiful countryside in all of England, riding high on the hilly roads and looking out for the first sight of the sea.