
IPA: wˈɛɫθʌɫi


  • In a wealthy way.

Examples of "wealthily" in Sentences

  • Why not spend my time trying to get $100,000 out of one very wealthily reader or corporation?
  • Whether they lived happily ever afterwards is not stated, but they lived, at any rate, “wealthily.”
  • If genuine wealthy backers were out there, yearning to back me wealthily, was I to turn up my nose at them?
  • Seated in a large and wealthily furnished drawing room by a bright fire, writing at a neat little table, sits Helen, now no longer Helen Winston but Mrs. Lincarrol.
  • This sort of people have a certain pre-eminence, and more estimation than labourers and the common sort of artificers, and these commonly live wealthily, keep good houses, and travel to get riches.
  • Oliver Bolingbroke, tall, lean and wealthily civilised, made a slow visual traverse of the pink rose-bud wallpaper, the linoleum on the floor, the peacock blue satin cushions on the rusty-brown chairs, the unlined floral curtains at the window.
  • She was wealthily dressed; she had a jewelled purse that had probably cost at least three thousand dollars; there were jewelled buckles on her patent-leather shoes, that had Chinese-yellow heels; and she was wearing a jade necklace that almost bankrupts me to think about.
  • O, of an incredible masse of treasure, a kingly portion, yet, in his coffers remayning: if then he had, (or late) before any warres, seeing no notable taxe, or contribution publike is historically mentioned to haue bene for the charges leuied: if in peace he himselfe flourished so wealthily: O marueilous politicall,

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