
IPA: wˈɪriɪŋ


  • The process of making weary.

Examples of "wearying" in Sentences

  • But it gets simply wearying seeing this over and over again.
  • This gorgeous, glittering thing, this mechanical wonder, this miracle of gears and gems, never wearying.
  • And then she added that she thought his mother was "wearying" to see him, and that he should go home soon.
  • Lembit alone is the kind of wearying bore I would hack my own arm off to escape if the situation demanded it.
  • The staging is kind of wearying too, and the arrangement is early-'70s crass, but at least it's entertaining.
  • It had been something more than "wearying," -- that dull pain that had ached at Lilias 'heart since they parted.
  • The letters, which told the bairns, in their Canadian home, that their dear friend was ill, and "wearying" for them, told them little of the terrible suffering of that time.
  • Still, even when it veers into the realm of Spinach TV — so good-for-you that it feels more dutiful than good — OWN is by and large a refreshing respite from the wearying, soul-numbing cable norm, which often exploits and celebrates our worst behaviors.
  • The best hope lay in wearying out the besiegers; and there seemed to be more chance of this since the Gauls often could be seen from the heights, burying the corpses of their dead; their tall, bony forms looked gaunt and drooping, and, here and there, unburied carcasses lay amongst the ruins.

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