IPA: wˈivɪŋ
- (uncountable) The process of making woven material on a loom.
- (countable) A piece of such material.
- (countable) An unsteady back and forth motion.
Examples of "weaving" in Sentences
- What cues helped direct you in weaving this novel together?
- What resources helped direct you in weaving this novel together?
- Duany has largely succeeded in weaving his new homes into the block.
- Especially in Haciahmetli village weaving is done traditionally through use of madder roots.
- We have a responsibility to ourselves to honour the gift or talent we hold in weaving this story and
- PendlePendle's wealth was founded on the cotton trade – 60% of the working population were employed in weaving in the 1950s.
- Mind, heâs a fascinating mind to behold in weaving a multitude of topics and lores together, but âtis seven long volumes, lad.
- Spinning and weaving in ancient times were principally performed by women; indeed, the words _woof_, _weaving_, and _web_ are allied to the word _wife_.