IPA: wˈaɪsbiɝ
- A Bavarian specialty beer in which a significant proportion of malted barley is replaced with malted wheat.
Examples of "weissbier" in Sentences
- His nose told him they had washed it down with weissbier.
- I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I generally find weissbier too sweet.
- It turned out they only had a weissbier that looked tempting, plus some chocolate.
- In fairly remote Bavaria I had a plate of venison and boar, with the local weissbier.
- Neither my husband, nor I, go much for weissbier (unfortunately for us as it abounded).
- (They did, I should note, and like pretty much every restaurant in Germany, have a very nice weissbier on tap, and so that helped us over the pain.)
- So, for anyone seeking the Bayerische weissbier experience, the basic tourist wisdom is actually true: Augustiner weissbier is a remarkable, complex, fantastic beer.
- Blue Moon, made by the Coors Corporation, is a Belgian style white beer, made from white wheat - a form of hefeweizen which is referred to as weissbier in its place of origin.