IPA: wˈɛɫkʌmɪŋ
- An act of giving welcome.
- hospitable, accessible and cordial.
Examples of "welcoming" in Sentences
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America has recently made great strides in welcoming gay clergy.
- She stood before him, blond and beautiful, smelling of flowery old-fashioned perfume, her expression welcoming.
- EKU, which she described as a welcoming and nurturing environment, "played a major role in the development of my outlook," she said.
- The guards moved him to Abu Salim prison on May 14, where three guards beat him - in what he called a "welcoming reception" - using electric wire and metal pipes before depositing him in a 6-by-8-foot cell with four to five others.
- As a more down-to-earth option, Ms. Wilder recommended the Dar Khmissa, a riad, a house with an interior garden, in the Medina, the old city, which she called "welcoming and affordable" www.dar-khmissa-marrakech.com; rates from around $60.
- Joining the Brotherhood in welcoming international monitoring are the Ghad Party, the Democratic Front Party, some non-partisan opposition movements such as the National Association for Change, and all of the nongovernmental organizations engaged in the domestic monitoring process, such as the Egyptian Alliance for Monitoring the People's Assembly Elections (an umbrella organization of some 120 NGOs).